Monday, December 21, 2015

Types of Personalities - The Lazy Engineer

Make sure you visit my website here. and my facebook page @ YRL Enterprises

YRL Enterprises is now a household name.


      He may be knowledgeable in his field, or maybe not.  There's no way to know because you can't get any work out of him.  He doesn't respond to emails, so you have to talk to him in person.  When you walk up to his office, he is usually on the phone - playing games or on facebook.  When you talk to him, he knows exactly what you need, because apparently he has read your emails, he just hasn't done what you asked.  This personality type will require a ton of pushing, prodding, and coordination.  He must respond to his supervisors requests, or he would not be employed.

Make sure you check out our website at here, and like our facebook page YRL Enterprises.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Types of Personalities - The Inappropriate Sarcastic

Make sure you visit my website here. and my facebook page @ YRL Enterprises

YRL Enterprises is now a household name.


This person is not sarcastic about inappropriate things, but rather sarcastic at inappropriate times.  They think its funny to say things that could very well be taken seriously, and you have no reason to believe they are not serious, but they are not serious.  Example:  After asking a simple task of the Inappropriate Sarcastic in a workplace setting, the Inappropriate Sarcastic replies, "OK, but I'm going to have to charge that time to your work order number."  Then, when you tell the Inappropriate Sarcastic, "OK, that's fine."  The Inappropriate Sarcastic says, "No, I'm just kidding."  Well guess what Inappropriate Sarcastic, that's not funny.  It's not a joke, it's not cute, it's not funny.  It's annoying and a waste of time.

Check out my blog for more personality types as they become available.  And check out the About section of my website to learn more about me.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

How to Get People on Your Side

                                                 HOW TO GET PEOPLE ON YOUR SIDE
     Ask a question that you know they know the answer to, even if you already know the answer too.  This also works if you ask them to explain something to you.  It doesn't matter if you need the information they provide or not, if you ask them for help, they will like feeling like they know more than you.  Most people are naturally inclined to help, not necessarily because they are nice, they just like to feel superior.  It takes skill to ask without looking stupid, so that's why its best to already know the answer, so you are sure that your question is not ridiculous.  Also, it is suggested to ask question / for advice in a one-on-one setting, so you don't put the person on the spot in front of others.  If they happen to not know the answer, it could backfire on you.  Also, if they give an answer that you know is wrong, do not argue with them, question them, or give them the correct answer.  Just go along with what they say.  You don't have to know everything, and admitting that you don't in this manner makes you appear like you are willing to learn.  It's better to know more than you portray than to portray more than you know, because in doing so, you will undoubtedly portray exactly what you don't know.

Make sure you check out my website at
and don't forget to like my facebook page at YRL Enterprises.